Monday, September 29, 2014


Palantíri; Were the great Stones of Seeing that were Made during the Years of the Trees...and at least two of them survived into the Fourth Age. Crafted by Fëanor himself, the stones were essentially powerful crystalline globes that enabled their users to witness events and communicate with one another over great distances, and seven of these were brought to Middle-earth by Elendil. ({The Palantíri of the North-kingdom}) Elendil Stone--One of the seven palantíri brought to Middle-earth by Elendil, and this Stone was held in the tower of Elostirion among the Tower Hills. Stone of Amon Sûl--Was in the Tower of Amon Sûl at the heart of Arnor, and was said to be the most powerful of the three possessed by the Northern Dúnedain. Stone of Annúminas--Was said to be the least powerful of the three Seeing-stones of the North-kingdom, this palantír was nonetheless the one most used by the Kings of Arnor and Arthedain. ({Palantíri of the South-kingdom}) The Master Stone--was held in the ancient capital of Gondor, beneath the Dome of Stars. After the siege of Osgiliath by the rebel Castamir, the city was left in flames, and the palantír was lost in the waters of the Anduin. Anor-stone--The stone of Minas Tirith, the palantír held at Anárion's stronghold of Minas Anor remained there throughout the Third Age....until it was destroyed with Denethor when he burned to death. Ithil-stone--Was the counterpart of the Anor-stone, and was held in Isildur's city of Minas Ithil beneath the mountains of the Ephel Dúath in Ithilien. The fate of this stone is unknown but it is assumed it was lost in the downfall of Barad-dûr. Orthanc-stone--Was the fourth palantír of the South-kingdom and was held in the tower of Orthanc in Isengard, which was originally a northerly outpost of Gondor. After the fall of Isengard to the Ents....Wormtongue unknowingly threw the stone from the tower as a missile, and ultimately came into the hands to Aragorn.(As it should of course.) The artwork is here is only of one of the seven I know...I could not find a solid one of all of them. Anyway....long post but well worth it. Go follow@tolkien_is_the_master if you enjoy all aspects of Tolkien.

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